Jason Louis Jarecki


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My Name is Jason Louis Jarecki.

I am an Immersive freestyle abstract artist that finds the equilibrium of the dark and the light through abstract art. I believe there could not be substance without suffering. Not everything is about positivity though. I see the dark contrast in my art as the structure behind the colors, behind the madness these tones will always be there as the bridge to the other side. The bright colors I use represent several emotions I’m feeling in the present moment as I release a plethora of tones that all go together effortlessly. When I mix these colorful tones with dark tones, it’s almost like a form of self-therapy as the good and evil battle within in me. Abstract art isn’t just about the colors; it’s about expressing your emotions through different tones. As a self-taught artist, these paintings display how I feel
not what I’ve learned. I started painting in 2017 while attending Florida State University. I stopped caring about the social norm and started focusing on anything art related. Being self-taught means a lot of trial and error. In these few years I’ve completed 10 murals and over 200 paintings, half of them being commissioned. I have built an empire of concrete fans. I have painted at weddings, bars, restaurants, and most importantly I have painted in a small apartment while creating my best work. I have taught myself how to use Acrylic
& Oil, Spray Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, AR Based Visuals, Graphic Design NFT and Mixed Media Art. There are no limitations on creativity, the only limitation is time.